Hank the dog behind the flowers- As Facebook removed the notes section... not too many people know his story... Hank was a Thor x Gypsy boy... and was returned at nearly a year old with aggressive tendencies. He was adopted by a first time puppy/dog family and had been in an abusive situation, we believe by the children of the home...when the family phoned to see if they could bring him back I of course said sure... every FFP puppy has a forever home here, always... When the family arrived they met me at the end of the driveway... as to not disturb the dogs as we had puppies in the house... and a nervous new momma "Daisy" ... When Hank saw me... I immediately thought he would need to be put down... he lunged at me from just seeing me from a distance... he literally looked like he would kill me... I had the husband tie Hank in the barn... I mean at that point ... I had no idea what to do... the family sobbed as they drove away... I mean Hank had been with this family for almost a year, had his own room, 3 trash bags full of toys, treats ... perscriptions... and here he was tied next to the wheel borrow in a dusty barn.... when the family left... I got my best girl and Hanks momma "Gypsy" his attitude switched completely... it took about 2 seconds for his mom to put him in his place... and he was actually playful with me and knew several tricks... he had after all been professionally trained as well! I thought all was great until he saw my mom... (ok Grant cue the Mother In Law Jokes! Lol ) Hank snapped and she did nothing except enter his field of vision.... Grant obviously with his militant background had zero issues with Hank.. and with all the time Grant spent with him taking him everywhere... we thought he had certainly been rehabilitated... aside from children... he still was very fearful of children and would avoid them at all costs... ;'( However... there is one thing we didnt take into consideration... which is my own "sensitive" and nervous personality... we did seek a professional trainers advice... a trainer that works with training search and rescue and police dogs in Charleston WV ... he clearly stated we did not have an aggressive dog... we had a dog that is highly sensitive... and plays off emotions and even subtle changes in heart rate... Hank doesn't necessarily seek out things to attack he is in a constant mode of self protection and then whoever he attaches to also feels the need to protect them at all costs as well... which is fine and dandy with Grant because... the Army dude he is... he never gets his feathers ruffled... me on the other hand... I get anxiety just envisioning in my head of "what can or is about to happen" all the time with every situation. When you visit he will be in the kennel with many warning signs, he will appear to be friendly and welcoming... but he is not... he has a heart that is only big enough to love me and Grant... with everything he has... He is the most loyal, loving boy... if I fell in the woods he would never leave my side... and I mean that in the most literal sense... he would die there... over the years many have said... he should be put down... we have even contemplated that ourselves... but we are all he has... sure Labradors are the number1 most friendly loyal dogs of all time, and they have lots of friends... but Hank doesn't..... he just has us <3
Tammy Jo BoudreauSharing the love of Labradors <3 Archives
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